I most certainly appreciate your wonderful and encouraging comment. Coming from my former teacher, it is truly special and sentimental to me. Yes, I was very shy in the classroom and I am still shy, depending on my situation; however, the opportunity to further my education has empowered me to strive towards realizing my potential. Like many Dominicans, I love my country and I am very passionate about the continued growth of Marigot and Dominica as a whole. Although there is a lot of noticeable improvement, a lot more needs to be done. In spite of bad attitudes, we need to work with and encourage the young people to be more self reliant and creative, for example.
I look forward to meeting you in Dominica.
Thanks and best regards to you.
]]>Best regards
I think after spending many years away from Dominica, we have come to realize how lucky we are to have such a natural, beautiful Island with so much to offer in terms of freedom, health, friendships, and having easier access to the ocean, for example. Yes, it is good to travel around the world experiencing and understanding the culture of other countries, but when your mind is set on returning home nothing can compare to the beauty of being home. There are mountains to climb and valleys to cross over, but if you can appreciate the smaller treasures of life, you will be happy living in Dominica.
For me, hearing the sound of the cock crowing and opening the doors at five or six o’clock every morning, to a bright sunrise, or rainy morning, is a wonderful sight worth waking up to. Additionally, looking at the brilliant sunset over the lush, green mountains is always a spectacular view worthy of ones leisure moments. In my opinion, the most favorite time is looking up at the bright stars and the moon in in the sky, especially when there is a full moon which brightens the entire surroundings. I must confess that I was and still isn’t a great fan of the darkness, so the moonlight is always fun to have around. These are all natural occurrences which makes me realize, how lucky I am to be one of God’s creation.
On the other hand, serious matters of the country should be a concern for all of us who must be willing to commit our time, knowledge and understanding to help our country realize its full potential.
]]>I certainly appreciate your sincerely enthusiastic response because it is vital that we all participate in the continued development of our beloved Dominica. As always, education is the key which opens the door to upward progression; hopefully children will learn to appreciate and take advantage of the opportunities afforded them today.
While the Island is improving, there is a lot that can be done to enhance the outward beauty of the villages – simply cleaning and maintaing the roadways with beautiful flowers, for example – would make such a big difference. The government cannot do everything, so let them confront the larger problems of building better roads, schools, hospitals, agriculture, etc. which are necessary developmental concerns which will ultimately lead to employment and better living standards for many.
]]>You have so rightly recognized those people who have stayed in Marigot and have continued to make positive contribution to the village through their entrepreneurial spirit and hard work. The contribution of those people who have returned home with the financial and eduactional experience garnered overseas has to be recognized also. This combine effort of those at home and those willing to return home to make a contribution is what has lift a lot of people out of poverty in underdeveloped countries.
We have what it takes to make Marigot/DA the PARADISE that it is. Keep up the good work.
]]>Thanks Hudson. I deeply appreciate your honest words of encouragement because you know how passionate I am about Dominica. I certainly hope that others will wake up and realize what we have and how fortunate we are that Dominica and it’s people are truly blessed.